R$ 300,00
<p>The development of the pre-adjusted appliances, by<br /> Andrews, was a significant progress for the orthodontist,<br /> especially in the finishing of orthodontic treatments.<br /> A recent research shows that 71% of the orthodontists<br /> utilize one of the several types of pre-adjusted systems<br /> available. This type of appliance was developed to reduce<br /> the bends in the wires and, therefore, making the results<br /> more predictable. However, the slot designs of the<br /> pre-adjusted brackets can cause difficulties at<br /> the beginning of the treatment, especially the bracket slots<br /> of canine teeth.<br /> The replacement of the conventional pre-adjusted<br /> brackets on canine teeth for pre-adjusted Tip-Edge<br /> brackets conceived by the author, has solved problems in<br /> Straight-Wire conventional mechanics.<br /> From this new differentiated bracket indication on canine<br /> teeth, the author developed the Simplified Straight-Wire<br /> Technique. His 15 year-old experience developing this<br /> new proposal was reported in this work with more than<br /> 1000 pictures and 20 clinical cases described in detail and<br /> refinement in all the stages of the treatment, following a<br /> method proposed in the individual planning for each case.<br /> The described clinical procedures are an essential guide for<br /> the orthodontist for the understanding and utilization of<br /> this new proposed technique.</p>
<ul class="sumario"> <li>FOREWORD<span class="numero">21</span></li> <li>INTRODUCTION<span class="numero">23</span></li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 1</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>DEVELOPMENT OF SIMPLIFIED STRAIGHT-WIRE MECHANICS<span class="numero">25</span> <ul> <li>Using Tip-Edge brackets on canines in the Straight-Wire Mechanics</li> <li>The canine bracket</li> <li>Uprighting springs (Side-Winder)</li> <li>Retraction techniques</li> <li>Controlling posterior anchorage</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 2</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>BIOMECHANICS OF THE SIMPLIFIED STRAIGHT-WIRE TECHNIQUE<span class="numero">55</span> <ul> <li>Notions of facial analysis</li> <li>Face proportions</li> <li>Vertical direction</li> <li>Sagittal direction</li> <li>Exposure of upper incisors</li> <li>Causes of gingival smile</li> <li>Clinical planning beginning with the soft tissue</li> <li>Clinical cases (diagnosis and planning)</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 3</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>ASSEMBLY<span class="numero">83</span> <ul> <li>Choosing accessories</li> <li>Teeth separation</li> <li>Adapting bands</li> <li>Cementing bands</li> <li>Molar tubes</li> <li>Choosing brackets</li> <li>The Twin Tip-Edge bracket</li> <li>Esthetic brackets</li> <li>Bonding protocol</li> <li>Pliers</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 4</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>PHASE I<span class="numero">107</span> <ul> <li>Alignment and leveling</li> <li>Leveling and alignment</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 5</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>PHASE II<span class="numero">119</span> <ul> <li>Correction of overjet and overbite</li> <li>Australian type archwire</li> <li>Anchorage bend</li> <li>Class II elastics</li> <li>Elastics colors and force</li> <li>Premolar bonding in phase II</li> <li>First molar tubes</li> <li>Sliding movement</li> <li>Most common mistakes in the placement of archwire</li> <li>Leveling and alignment concomitant to bite opening and retraction</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASE</h2> <ul> <li>Rotation and uprighting springs</li> <li>Root uprighting springs (side-winder)</li> <li>Placement</li> <li>Activation</li> <li>Torque with tip-edge brackets</li> <li>Using rectangular archwire in phase II</li> <li>Diagram for archwires construction and coordination</li> <li>Initial visit – phase II</li> <li>Revision visit – phase II</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 6</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>PHASE III <span class="numero">171</span> <ul> <li>Closure of spaces remaining from extractions</li> <li>Torque adjustment of the anterior teeth</li> <li>Uprighting canine roots</li> <li>Archwire in phase III</li> <li>Phase III with round archwire</li> <li>Phase III with rectangular archwire</li> <li>Diagram for archwires in phase III</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASE</h2> <ul> <li>Bonding upper premolars in phase III</li> <li>Elastics for closing spaces</li> <li>E-link placement through vestibular and palatine</li> <li>Activation frequency</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASE</h2> <ul> <li>Phases II and III carried out simultaneously</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASE</h2> <ul> <li>Initial visit – phase II</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 7</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>PHASE IV<span class="numero">239</span> <ul> <li>Leveking upper premolars and second molars</li> <li>Maintaining the goals achieved in previous phases</li> <li>Final torque adjustment of anterior teeth</li> <li>Installing the rectangular archwire</li> <li>Phase IV diagram</li> <li>Final mesiodistal adjustment of canine roots</li> <li>Initial visit – phase IV</li> <li>The four phases of the Simplified Straight-Wire Mechanics treatment</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 8</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>TREATMENT MECHANICS WITHOUT EXTRACTIONS<span class="numero">259</span> <ul> <li>Treatment of class II malocclusion without extraction</li> <li>The growth pattern</li> <li>Jarabak percentage</li> <li>Posterior cranial base and ramus height relationship</li> <li>Upper gonial angle</li> <li>Biomechanics</li> <li>Position of lower incisors</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASES</h2> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 9</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>EXTRACTION OF MOLARS<span class="numero">327</span> <ul> <li>Treatment with extraction of second molars</li> <li>Third molar conditions</li> <li>Orthodontic mechanics</li> <li>Appliance assembly</li> <li>Archwires and elastics</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASES</h2> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 10</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>EXTRACTIONS OF FIRST MOLARS<span class="numero">403</span> <ul> <li>Clinical characteristics suggesting extraction of first molars</li> <li>Facial analysis</li> <li>Multi-restorations in molars</li> <li>Previous absence of one or more molars</li> <li>Early loss of one or two lower molars, provoking extrusion of the upper correspondent</li> <li>Extensive decays on teeth</li> <li>Simultaneous resolution of lack of space in both anterior And posterior sectors</li> <li>Problems in the endodontal treatment</li> <li>Significant deviation of the median line</li> <li>Severe overjet</li> <li>Indications</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASES</h2> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 11</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>USING DOUBLE-KEy-HOLE ARCH IN THE SIMPLIFIED STRAIGHT-WIRE MECHANICS<span class="numero">469</span> <ul> <li>The retraction mechanics</li> <li>Retraction mechanics with Double-Key-Loop (DKL)</li> <li>Considerations on pre-adjusted brackets</li> <li>Characteristics</li> <li>Activation</li> <li>Anterior bite opening</li> <li>Activation magnitude</li> <li>Activation frequency</li> <li>Clinical protocol</li> <li>Leveling and alignment</li> <li>Caution regarding anchorage</li> <li>Clinical sequence</li> <li>Conclusion</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASES</h2> </li> <li>REFERENCES<span class="numero">545</span></li> </ul>
<ul class="sumario"> <li>FOREWORD<span class="numero">21</span></li> <li>INTRODUCTION<span class="numero">23</span></li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 1</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>DEVELOPMENT OF SIMPLIFIED STRAIGHT-WIRE MECHANICS<span class="numero">25</span> <ul> <li>Using Tip-Edge brackets on canines in the Straight-Wire Mechanics</li> <li>The canine bracket</li> <li>Uprighting springs (Side-Winder)</li> <li>Retraction techniques</li> <li>Controlling posterior anchorage</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 2</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>BIOMECHANICS OF THE SIMPLIFIED STRAIGHT-WIRE TECHNIQUE<span class="numero">55</span> <ul> <li>Notions of facial analysis</li> <li>Face proportions</li> <li>Vertical direction</li> <li>Sagittal direction</li> <li>Exposure of upper incisors</li> <li>Causes of gingival smile</li> <li>Clinical planning beginning with the soft tissue</li> <li>Clinical cases (diagnosis and planning)</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 3</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>ASSEMBLY<span class="numero">83</span> <ul> <li>Choosing accessories</li> <li>Teeth separation</li> <li>Adapting bands</li> <li>Cementing bands</li> <li>Molar tubes</li> <li>Choosing brackets</li> <li>The Twin Tip-Edge bracket</li> <li>Esthetic brackets</li> <li>Bonding protocol</li> <li>Pliers</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 4</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>PHASE I<span class="numero">107</span> <ul> <li>Alignment and leveling</li> <li>Leveling and alignment</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 5</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>PHASE II<span class="numero">119</span> <ul> <li>Correction of overjet and overbite</li> <li>Australian type archwire</li> <li>Anchorage bend</li> <li>Class II elastics</li> <li>Elastics colors and force</li> <li>Premolar bonding in phase II</li> <li>First molar tubes</li> <li>Sliding movement</li> <li>Most common mistakes in the placement of archwire</li> <li>Leveling and alignment concomitant to bite opening and retraction</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASE</h2> <ul> <li>Rotation and uprighting springs</li> <li>Root uprighting springs (side-winder)</li> <li>Placement</li> <li>Activation</li> <li>Torque with tip-edge brackets</li> <li>Using rectangular archwire in phase II</li> <li>Diagram for archwires construction and coordination</li> <li>Initial visit – phase II</li> <li>Revision visit – phase II</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 6</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>PHASE III <span class="numero">171</span> <ul> <li>Closure of spaces remaining from extractions</li> <li>Torque adjustment of the anterior teeth</li> <li>Uprighting canine roots</li> <li>Archwire in phase III</li> <li>Phase III with round archwire</li> <li>Phase III with rectangular archwire</li> <li>Diagram for archwires in phase III</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASE</h2> <ul> <li>Bonding upper premolars in phase III</li> <li>Elastics for closing spaces</li> <li>E-link placement through vestibular and palatine</li> <li>Activation frequency</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASE</h2> <ul> <li>Phases II and III carried out simultaneously</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASE</h2> <ul> <li>Initial visit – phase II</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 7</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>PHASE IV<span class="numero">239</span> <ul> <li>Leveking upper premolars and second molars</li> <li>Maintaining the goals achieved in previous phases</li> <li>Final torque adjustment of anterior teeth</li> <li>Installing the rectangular archwire</li> <li>Phase IV diagram</li> <li>Final mesiodistal adjustment of canine roots</li> <li>Initial visit – phase IV</li> <li>The four phases of the Simplified Straight-Wire Mechanics treatment</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 8</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>TREATMENT MECHANICS WITHOUT EXTRACTIONS<span class="numero">259</span> <ul> <li>Treatment of class II malocclusion without extraction</li> <li>The growth pattern</li> <li>Jarabak percentage</li> <li>Posterior cranial base and ramus height relationship</li> <li>Upper gonial angle</li> <li>Biomechanics</li> <li>Position of lower incisors</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASES</h2> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 9</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>EXTRACTION OF MOLARS<span class="numero">327</span> <ul> <li>Treatment with extraction of second molars</li> <li>Third molar conditions</li> <li>Orthodontic mechanics</li> <li>Appliance assembly</li> <li>Archwires and elastics</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASES</h2> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 10</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>EXTRACTIONS OF FIRST MOLARS<span class="numero">403</span> <ul> <li>Clinical characteristics suggesting extraction of first molars</li> <li>Facial analysis</li> <li>Multi-restorations in molars</li> <li>Previous absence of one or more molars</li> <li>Early loss of one or two lower molars, provoking extrusion of the upper correspondent</li> <li>Extensive decays on teeth</li> <li>Simultaneous resolution of lack of space in both anterior And posterior sectors</li> <li>Problems in the endodontal treatment</li> <li>Significant deviation of the median line</li> <li>Severe overjet</li> <li>Indications</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASES</h2> </li> </ul> <h2>CHAPTER 11</h2> <ul class="sumario"> <li>USING DOUBLE-KEy-HOLE ARCH IN THE SIMPLIFIED STRAIGHT-WIRE MECHANICS<span class="numero">469</span> <ul> <li>The retraction mechanics</li> <li>Retraction mechanics with Double-Key-Loop (DKL)</li> <li>Considerations on pre-adjusted brackets</li> <li>Characteristics</li> <li>Activation</li> <li>Anterior bite opening</li> <li>Activation magnitude</li> <li>Activation frequency</li> <li>Clinical protocol</li> <li>Leveling and alignment</li> <li>Caution regarding anchorage</li> <li>Clinical sequence</li> <li>Conclusion</li> </ul> <h2>CLINICAL CASES</h2> </li> <li>REFERENCES<span class="numero">545</span></li> </ul>
Graduado pela Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba – UNICAMP e pós-graduado em Ortodontia pela Universidade de Taubaté – UNITAU.
Atua como professor no Curso de Especialização em Ortodontia da UNITAU e como consultor e professor da TP Orthodontics, no Brasil e em Portugual.
É autor de vários artigos publicados em revistas especializadas em Ortodontia no Brasil, Estados Unidos, Portugal e Austrália.
Além disso, é autor do livro “Técnica Straight-Wire Simplificada”, publicado pela editora Dental Press, e idealizador da técnica que leva o mesmo nome do livro, que também é tema de sua aula no Excelência.